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As Italians, we treat our guests like family.  Our guests, our listeners, we count you all as part of the NW Italian Radio Show family and are always glad when we can meet up.  Our guests are featured on this page so that you can learn more about them, support them in their endeavors and grow closer as a family.
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Coming up on Monday
Rick Rizzs - "The Voice of Seattle Mariners"

Neil Thomas Proto - American lawyer, teacher, lecturer, and author.

Dimitrius Castacio, Rolling Crust Pizza
I am retired US Army, and prior to that I was in the US Navy.  Originally from New York, Staten Island, and I spent just over two years living in Sicily which is where part (I’m Irish, Italian German Portuguese, and Puerto Rican) of my family is from (Corleone region) seriously not making that up! CLICK FOR MORE
Tony Orlando
Neil Proto
Rick Rizzs, "The Voice of Seattle"
Gig Harbor Gondola
L'Italio Americano 
Kerry-Lynne Demarinis Brown, Reporter